Unikey Organic Fertilizers



Thanks to the free amino acids of plant origin, it accelerates plant growth and protects the plant against stress. Increases photosynthesis rate in plants. Promotes cell division and cell regeneration. It increases flowering, fruit formation and root growth. Prevents flower and fruit breakdown. Provides faster uptake of plant nutrients by plants. It is stated that it acts as an activator of the life of plant physiology and edaphytes. It contains physiologically active and functional L-? amino acids as well as essential macro and micro nutrients. In adverse climatic conditions due to the content of active L-? amino acids Shows effective anti-stress effect. It also improves the effects of vegetables to grow, bloom and nourish. Stimulates the physiological development of cultures after a period of inactivity.

Guaranteed Contentw/w
Potassium (K2O)4%
Organic Matter40%
Organic Carbon17%
Humic & Fulvic Acid27%
pH5.5 – 6
Amino Acid



PlantsApplication Method & TimeFoliarSoil Application
All Fruit Trees
(Apple, Pear, Peach, Apricot,etc.)
2-3 applications throughout the season.150-200 cc / da3-5 lt / da
Nursery, Ornamental Plants3-4 applications throughout the season.150-200 cc / da2-4 lt / da
All Industrial Crops3-4 applications throughout the season.150-200 cc / da3-5 lt / da
OliveFlowering period150-200 cc / da2-4 lt / da
Tropical Trees and BananasMaintenance time and flowering period150-200 cc / da2-4 lt / da
All Vegetables3-4 applications throughout the season.150-200 cc / da4-5 lt / da
General Cultivation3-4 applications throughout the season.150-200 cc / da4-5 lt / da